Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Most Absurd Thing Done In Blogland!

Okay we've all done some pretty weird things here, that's no lie. So let's remenice a bit! What's the most absurd thing that's happened in Blogland and who was involves in it? Enjoy deciding between all the weird stuff that's happened here!


  1. Clara and I, the poetry talk in parentese where we established that we would never be the queens of this land as her love was indeed for a certain gentleman and we literally just talked in rhymes for ages and came to the agreement that we would wander the world, lovestruck and alone! Good times. Weird times, but good times.

  2. I really don't know - so many absurd things have been done . . . :O

  3. Replies
    1. I don't remember this ever happening. He did, however, shapeshift into Barbie, wear a pink glittery dress, and sing. That was a fun game of truth or dare. XD

  4. Um... I haven't been on too much for "absurd" things to happen... Even though I'm one of the oldest

    1. Chi, you mightn't have been on for much absurd stuff but surely you've been on for some, you HAVE to have been!

  5. Hm... I'm not so sure about this one.

  6. Nomination for the soap operas!

  7. I'm guessing the most absurd thing I've ever seen in Blogland is Adra telling me her character has kinky whips. Which disturbed me.

    Or also my autocorrects because they're ridiculously absurd.

    1. Dragona that was literally two days ago

  8. My Bar was brought about in a most absurd circumstance. We broke Blogland, and it became the Wild West. After a gunfight and Mary Bob Tomkinson trying to arrest me randomly we were now in space, and all the weapons became cyberpunk and Jubi had to save us with Clemy.

    That's a very abridged version, but I'm nominating Mary Bob Tomkinson, someone I never saw again for that truly wacky day.

  9. Niccolò as Barbie. In case that wasn't what Zaf meant to nominate. Because that was hilarious.

  10. ... I have been involved in so many wierd things in blogland that I've lost count....

    But probably Nev and the curse of Slutduggery Pleasantits and his Hobbit Thong

  11. How about that time we worshipped a blade of grass because Charlie the ghost wanted to be popular? That was a fun time. *nods* *nominates that*

  12. Um...when Nix was dead for a couple of weeks and refused to come back to life even though he was perfectly capable of doing so?

  13. That time when the Blog started trying to eat everybody, and you all had to have your memories wiped because of the trauma...
    *gasps, horrified*
    I've said too much. Oh, God. Just...
    *fires up the ol' memory eraser*

    (just kidding, that time where Jubi and Annika went all CSI and started investigating the murders of most Bloglandians)
