Friday, 3 October 2014

RESULTS: Most Tragic Roleplay Plot!

Ah, roleplay plots. There have been deep plots and silly plots and, of course, the tragic plots. There've been a lot of plots worth crying over in this place, and it was so hard to decide, we had to put this one as a tie-breaker. Now, however, there's a clear winner, and it is...

The Osmosis Wedding!

[Gives a golden tissue-box trophy to Annika and everyone who was in attendance]

Our honorable mentions are Aladra but Tadra and Anything with Niccolò!

[Gives normal tissue-boxes to everyone associated with either of those plots]



  1. Osmosis wedding...
    Well done. You deserve this. Rip Photo.

  2. *wonders what the Osmosis wedding is/was*

  3. Oh heavens, thank you so much! I'm honored!

    Photo's Ghost: At least my death won my author an award. I guess.
